From the 28th of October to the 5th of November 2023 Pazardzhik will hold a Youth Exchange, initiated under the Erasmus+ program, with the participation of 6 countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Poland, Turkey, and Romania for 40 young people aged 18-30 years. The project "Catch Me If You Can" is of the Association "Forum - Center for Youth Activities" and focuses on the topic of human trafficking the aim of the initiative is to raise the awareness of young people and encourage prevention activities.
The Secretary of LCCTHB Pazardzhik was invited to join on the 1st of November 2023. As the young people had already discussed the topic in the previous days, their attention was focused on how they could recognize a risky job advertisement; and who they could turn to for help if they were in danger; what to look out for when leaving their home countries. Their attention was also drawn to the loverboy method of getting involved in human trafficking. All this was preceded by group work and a very fruitful and lively discussion ensued. In the end, the young people watched the short film "Ghost Town", produced in the framework of the "Can You See Me" awareness campaign of the A21 Foundation focusing on labor exploitation. They were also informed about the possibility to use the 24-hour helpline 0800 20 100, free of charge for Bulgaria and EU countries, if needed.