For the second consecutive year in the pandemic conditions, the secretaries of LCCTHB - Montana, Veliko Tarnovo, Pazardzhik and Plovdiv, with the support of NCCTHB, organized the Anti-Trafficking Volunteer Academy 2022. The event was held in online format, on the ZOOM platform. The Academy was implemented in two consecutive days - 28.03.2022 and 29.03.2022. The participants received basic, introductory information about the crime of human trafficking, the role of volunteers in the prevention and information activities of the Local Commissions and opportunities for thematic training using the method "peer to peer training". Christian Makarov from A21 Campaign Foundation Bulgaria was invited to join the training team of the secretaries of the four Local Commissions. He informed the students about how NGOs can be useful in prevention and in supporting victims of human trafficking, how the free phone line 080020100 works. From Pazardzhik students from EG "B. Brecht", Pazardzhik, MG "K. Velichkov", and PGIM. They will receive certificates.
The main goal of the Academy was to build on and develop the volunteer network of adolescents at the Local Anti-Trafficking Commissions, which would be beneficial for prevention activities among young people.