
Specialized training for pedagogical experts was held in Burgas

On 21 April 2021, the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Burgas held a specialized online training on the subject of "Psychosocial predispositions for the involvement of adolescents in the crime of trafficking in human beings. Identification and support in the school environment and social services".  The training was attended by 42 people – school psychologists, representatives of non-governmental organizations and social workers from social services in the cities of Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo.

The lecturer of the training was Mr. Yordan Tankovski - a practical psychologist and trainer with years of experience in working with adolescents and specialists working in schools and social services, who focused on the main concepts related to trafficking in human beings, the risk factors in adolescents for involvement in trafficking, the profile of the victim and the abuser, crisis and crisis intervention, psycho-traumatic experiences in victims of violence and trafficking,  psychological support for victims of violence and trafficking in human beings in school environments and in social services.

During the training, the opportunity was also given for discussion, with participants asking specific questions related to the practical application of crisis intervention and psychological support to victims and sharing experiences of cases from their own practice. The manager of the Crisis Center for Children who have suffered violence and trafficking in the city of Balvan, Mrs. Victoria Ivanova, also presented her many years of experience related to the work of the social service, its methodology and the results achieved.

At the end of the event, the participants expressed their high satisfaction with the interesting and inspiring training, conducted accessible with numerous practical examples and at a high professional level.

The training responds to the need to build on competencies, create sensitiveness and motivate pedagogical specialists and social workers to identify potential victims of traffic in human beings, as well as apply effective methods of psychosocial support for victims of the crime "trafficking in human beings" and to effectively partner with the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Burgas.