In March 2019, the volunteers at the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Burgas carried out information classes at "Cyril and Methodius" Secondary school in Burgas.
The youngsters, teachers of their peers, have graduated from the Volunteer Academy, at which they were prepared to carry out activities at school to prevent trafficking in human beings. During the information classes, the most common forms of human trafficking were presented, with an emphasis on labor and sexual exploitation.
Let’s remind you that the same young volunteers participated in the creation of a prevention video for human trafficking last summer. You can see it here:
The information classes are part of a campaign against trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation, which takes place in Burgas. So far, 6 information meetings have been held in 4 secondary schools with more than 130 students attending.
Effective ways to provoke students' interest are videos and discussions of real cases of victims of the crime.
Important resources in this activity are both the volunteers at the Local Commission and the pedagogical advisers from the secondary schools trained in recent years.
The classes, planned and conducted by the volunteers, are impressive with the communication language, that lacks clichés, and are extremely attractive.