The US State Department upgraded Bulgaria in the Trafficking in Persons Report 2024 released this week. From the Tier 2 Watch list, our country moves to Tier 2, the group of countries that are making significant efforts to counter trafficking in human beings.
According to the report, the government has demonstrated an overall increase in efforts to counter the crime compared to the previous reporting period. Although our country does not fully meet the minimum standards for eliminating human trafficking, the significant efforts in this direction are sufficient to upgrade the country's score.
Some of the highlights of the report related to Bulgaria's positive progress in combating trafficking in human beings include the significant increase in the number of criminal proceedings initiated, the increase in the budget of the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings by more than 190% in 2023, and the adoption by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the National Programme for Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protection of Victims for 2023. The adoption of a four-year National Programme for the Prevention of Violence and Abuse against Children and the corresponding implementation plan including measures for child victims of trafficking is also considered as a positive development. In addition, the efforts made by the State in the framework of inter-institutional cooperation in the process of investigation and prosecution, in terms of prevention, exchange of experience and capacity building of various professionals, as well as the provision of specialised protection and support to victims of trafficking in human beings, including the additional social services that have been made available to victims of the crime, are highlighted as examples of progress.
The report also includes recommendations to make additional efforts in the process of investigation, prosecution and imposition of effective penalties for perpetrators; increase of funding and ensure sustainability of specialized services for victims of trafficking; increase efforts in identifying cases of trafficking for labour exploitation; improve the system for collecting and analysing data on the crime and victims, etc.