In the implementation of the Program for the activities of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Varna for 2023, Section II "Prevention" and Section III "Training and Qualification of Personnel" and implementation of the National Program for the Prevention and Combating of Human Trafficking, LCCTHB Varna, Directorate "Preventions", Varna Municipality organized at the Hotel "Cherno More" an academy for volunteers on the topic "The role of peers in the recognition and prevention of the risks of human trafficking through the Internet".
On the 27th and 28th of November 2023 started a two-day training for volunteers from the Prevention Directorate, Varna Municipality, working on the method "peers trach peers". In the training, 32 volunteers from 11 schools in Varna with established school prevention clubs. Objectives: To familiarize peers with the biggest risks of human trafficking; To familiarize peers with the main risks on the Web; To develop skills for recognizing, responding to, and preventing online trafficking; To build presentation skills on the topic of human trafficking and online risks; To create strategies on how to protect their peers.
On the 29th of November, 2023, a specialized training for professionals (25 secretaries of the LCCTHB, public educators, social workers, and inspectors of the DPS_ was held on the topic "Children and young people on the Web - How to recognize and prevent human trafficking in the digital space". The training of professionals is driven by the need for a new kind of approach to human trafficking in the digital age. Objectives: To learn about trends in the crime of human trafficking; To increase professionals' knowledge and skills to recognize and mitigate the risks of being involved in human trafficking through the Internet; Strategies to respond to a problem with children and young people on the Web.
Leader of the training - Ms. Antoaneta Vassileva - First Vice President of the expert group for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on Action against human trafficking ti the Council of Europe and representative of the National Center for Safe Internet.