
The Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Sliven and the Directorate of the Labour Office - Sliven launch targeted activities to prevent labour exploitation

The Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (LCCTB) Sliven, together with the Directorate of the Labour Office - Sliven, launched targeted activities to prevent the trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation and forced labour.

In this regard, a series of focus groups with unemployed youth up to 29 years and long-term unemployed persons are being organized, with the main strategic objective of raising awareness of job seekers on the mechanisms of involvement in human trafficking and ways to prevent from falling into labour exploitation and forced labour.

In the line of stimulating civic activity for recognizing and reporting the crime of human trafficking, on 26 April 2023 /Wednesday/ at 10:30 a.m., the Local Commission for Combating Human Trafficking in Sliven will also participate in a job fair organized by the Directorate of the Labour Office - Sliven at the Military Club - Sliven.

According to the latest data of the European Commission, despite the progress made in the fight against human trafficking, the crime remains a serious threat in the European Union (EU) and thousands of people are at risk every year. Labour exploitation affects 15% of all victims of trafficking within the EU, with an increasing number of victims going undetected. High-risk environments for labour trafficking can include: agriculture, construction, hospitality, cleaning services, forestry, textiles and clothing, food production.