As a part of the implementation of the Programme for Prevention and Counteraction of Trafficking in Human Beings and Protection of Victims for 2023 and building on the policies to involve parents in the prevention of risky behavior in digital environments and prevention of online sexual exploitation in March 2023, the Secretary of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (LCCTHB) Sliven together with the pedagogical advisor of "Dimitar Petrov" Primary School in Sliven held a successive educational lectures, covering students from different classes and then their parents, by presenting an analysis and intensive work on the identified problems.
in the course of preventive work with the children, the information they shared showed that most of them have an account on at least three different social networks on the internet and are willing to accept invitations for friendship from strangers. Many of the children reported that they had received messages on chat applications from people they did not know in real life and had at some point received inappropriate photos or videos with sexual content.
Through interactive approaches and a series of audio-visual products, students were informed about Safe Internet Practices to prevent unwanted situations related to online sexual coercion and extortion and the risks of being involved in technology-facilitated human trafficking.
During the educational lectures with parents, the real danger and risky situations minors face were discussed and practical guidelines were given on how to have regular conversations with children about their online lives. The focus was on meaningful communication between parents and children related to risky behaviors, which helps children to have confidence and share the problems they face
Informational materials were provided with the National Anti-Human Trafficking Hotline - 080020100, and information on possible reporting of all forms of online child sexual abuse and violence through the websites.safenet.bg and www.cybercrime.bg
In the framework of the partnership initiative between the LCCTHB Sliven and "Dimitar Petrov" Primary School in Sliven, with the aim of involving parents in the process of prevention of risky behavior, reduction of parental alienation, and promotion of full parental care, 139 students and 51 parents were covered.