In the implementation of the Programme for the activities of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - Varan for 2022 Section II "Prevention" and Section III "Training and qualification of personnel" and implementation of the National Programme for Prevention and Counteraction of Trafficking in Human Beings, the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - Varna, Directorate of Preventions, Varna Municipality organized trainings of students-volunteers and professionals on the topic "The risks of human trafficking in the digital space - prevention of challenges on the web." at Youth House Varna.
On the 28th and 29th of November 2022 a two-day training for volunteers from the Prevention Directorate of Varna Municipality, working in a peer approach was held. 22 volunteers from 11 schools in Varna, with open PACs participated in the training which aims to develop skills for recognition, reaction, and prevention of online trafficking and online problems leading to being trafficked.
On 30.11.2022 a training of 20 professionals (public educators and members of the LCCTHB, inspectors of the DPS - Ministry of Interior, and social workers from the DPO) was held. The need for a new kind of approach to human trafficking in the digital age drives the training of professionals. The training aims to teach about the latest trends in the issue of human trafficking, to increase knowledge and skills to recognize the risks of trafficking in the online space, and to respond effectively to a problem with students on the web.
The trainer was Ms Antoaneta Vassileva - First Vice President of the Expert Group for Monitoring the Implementation of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings of the Council of Europe.