The team of the campaign "Keep the Children safe on the Internet" responded to the invitation of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - Pazardzhik and the Local Commission for Combating Juvenile Delinquency - Pazardzhikto visit the city. On 24.10.2022, in the Big Hall of the Youth House - Pazardzhik, Mr. Yavot Kolev - a cyber security expert with 25 years of professional experience, gave an open lesson to an audience of over 100 students from the fifth to seventh grade from the municipality of Pazardzhik. The topic "Prevention of online bullying and abuse of children in the digital space" is particularly relevant after the initial two-year period of the COVID pandemic, during which the lives of adolescents took place mainly on the Internet. After the end of the open lesson, the Mayor of Pazardzhik Municipality Mr. Todor Popov received the ta of the campaign "Keep the Children Safe on the Internet" - Mr. Yavor Kolev, Ms. Zoya Vassilev and Mr. Atanas Atanasov, personally testifying his support for the initiative with the request for future joint training activities in the interest of the children of the Municipality of Pazardzhik.
The initiative "Keep the Children Safe on the Internet" is a social campaign of Lev Ins AD and is the winner of the competition "Insurers for Society 2022". It aims to provide for adolescent children, as well as to build their skills for safe web surfing.