Today, 27.04.2022, the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - Pazardzhik hosted a regional training for health, education and labor mediators from Pazardzhik region, in implementation of Section III "Training and qualification of personnel" of the Local Program for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and Protection of Victims for 2022.
The training was implemented in partnership with the International Organization for Migration within the project "Raising awareness of local communities in areas with a significant Roma population on asylum and migration issues", funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and implemented by the International Organization for Migration. It was attended by 20 health, education and labour mediators from Pazardzhik region. The training provided an opportunity for the participants to build on their knowledge on the prevention of trafficking in human beings and subsequently share it among the local communities. In addition, all received valuable practical information on their rights and obligations related to legal migration in EU/EEA countries, increased their knowledge on other related challenges relevant to migration to the EU/EEA that put Roma populations in a vulnerable position and at increased risk of abuse.