On 10.12.2021, in implementation of the Programme for the activities of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Varna for 2021, Section II, "Prevention" and implementation of the National Programme for Prevention and Counteraction of Trafficking in Human Beings and Protection of Victims, the LCCTHB Varna, Directorate "Prevention" and the Municipality of Varna, with the support of the University of Economics Varna, Department of Legal Studies, held an information meeting with students from the university on the topic “Human Trafficking. Contemporary slavery”.
The aim of the meeting was to inform young people about the crime of human trafficking, the reasons for being in a trafficking situation, vulnerable groups and methods of protection. Various case studies of young girls who have been trafficked aroused interest among the students. Methods of control by traffickers and ways to address these challenges were discussed. The students were presented with the trends related to the crime on the territory of Varna and the district.
Thirty-five students from different majors of the University of Economics participated.