The local commission for combating trafficking in human beings, Blagoevgrad in partnership with the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings held a regional webinar on "Trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation – prevention and identification in the context of crisis and rising unemployment".
The event is implemented as the main activity of the annual campaign for prevention of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation, organized by the NCCTHB and the Local Commissions.
Prosecutor Vladimir Nikolov from the Region Pleven and a member of the Management Board of the Association of Prosecutors in Bulgaria introduced the participants to the challenges of distinguishing trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation from violation of the labour rights of citizens.
The role and actions of the trade unions in the process of countering trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation was presented by Mrs. Valentina Vasilyonova, President of the agriculture sector in the European Federation of Trade Unions of Agriculture, Food, Tourism.
The participants were experts working in the Labour Office Directorate of Blagoevgrad District, representatives of the Labour Inspectorate Directorate, Prosecutor Elitsa Kalpka, Deputy District Prosecutor of the Blagoevgrad Regional Inspectorate, Assac. 2014. Dr. Valentin Vasilev, Public Mediator of Blagoevgrad Municipality, experts and members of the LCBTH, Blagoevgrad.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the worsening economic situation and rising unemployment create conditions for taking risky initiatives for labour realization and absolute underestimation of dubious job offers, which seriously increases the risk of being involved in trafficking for labour exploitation.