
A specialised webinar for prosecutors, judges and investigators was held in Sliven on the topic "Opportunities to improve the investigation and confiscation of human trafficking assets through the use of the Internet and open sources".

On the 4th of November 2020, a specialized webinar on "Opportunities to improve the investigation and confiscation of human trafficking assets through the use of the Internet and open sources" was held in Sliven, organized by the LCCTHB Sliven. In cooperation with the NCCTHB and the Hans Seidel Foundation Bulgaria.

The event was opened by Mr. Vladimir Drumev, Secretary of LCCTHB Sliven, who welcomed the webinar participants and emphasized that one of the most important measures to combat the crime of human trafficking is the successful confiscation of criminal assets.

Speakers in the specialized webinar were Mr. Ivaylo Angelov, Head of Specialized Department 01 at the National Investigation Service, Sofia. Mr. Nikolay Kolev, Anti-Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property Commission, DG Veliko Tarnovo.

The event was attended by prosecutors from the District Prosecutor's Office Sliven, investigators from the District Investigation Department at the District Prosecutor's Office Sliven, a judge from the District Court Sliven, officials from the Investigation Department of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Sliven and experts from the Territorial Directorate of the State Anti-Corruption Service Sliven.

In the first part of the webinar, Mr. Ivaylo Angelov presented the specifics of the collection and verification of electronic evidence in the investigation of human trafficking under Bulgarian law.

In the second part, Mr. Nikolay Kolev introduced the participants to civil forfeiture as a way to counter trafficking in human beings and presented specific cases from practice.

A key strategic objective for the specialized webinar is to support the process of successfully investigating and countering human trafficking by promoting the use of open source and internet data to identify and confiscate criminal assets, maintaining that this is a key component in the fight against criminal activity.