
The secretariat of LCCTHB - Pleven participates in the first job fair of the year in the district

The state of emergency triggered by COVID-19 cancelled the job fairs in the first half of the year normally held in May.


At the beginning of September in Dolni Dabnik, in one of the halls of the community center "Iliya Beshkov", the first job fair of the year was held in the district of Pleven. It was organized by the Directorate of the Labour Office - Dolna Mitropolia. 23 unemployed jobseekers and five companies and institutions were registered for the marketplace. Three of the companies were from Dolni Dabnik.

At the invitation of the Director of the Bulgarian Labour Office - Dolna Mitropolia, the Secretary of the Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - Pleven, Mrs. Ivanka Vateva, took part in the exchange. She provided all participants with information materials and presented the activities of the Commission and the problems related to the crime of human trafficking, focusing on labour exploitation.

The job fair was successful, with almost all of the unemployed having individual conversations with the companies represented. 

Two more job fairs are planned in the district by the end of September - on the 21st of September in Cherven Bryag and on the 29th of September in Pleven.