The Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (LCCTHB) - Sliven, together with the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB), launched an information campaign for the prevention of human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation.
The main objective of the campaign is to increase the awareness of jobseekers abroad about the risks, the mechanisms of involvement in trafficking in human beings and the ways to prevent them from getting into labor exploitation. This year's campaign also focuses on the safe use of the Internet, in the context of referring and involving victims in the crime.
In partnership with the Labor Office Directorate - Sliven, it is envisaged to be working with specific vulnerable risk groups: unemployed youths up to 29 years of age, long-term unemployed persons with low education, as well as persons with secondary and higher education.
Another leading focus of the activities is targeted preventative work with young people - high school students, with the aim of increasing their sensitivity to the risk of getting involved in trafficking in persons for the purpose of labor exploitation, taking into account the opportunities for work and learning abroad.
Within the campaign, training sessions and screenings of thematic films will be held and specialized information materials will be disseminated with the coordinates of the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the local structures to it, as well as the coordinates of the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad.
The victims of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation are often forced to work for minimal or no pay. Getting into trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation can happen through recruitment agencies for work at home and abroad, through brokerage agencies for youth brigades, through job postings, through acquaintances, loved ones, even relatives, through social networks and dating sites on the internet.
Unitary European Emergency Number - 112 (completely free of charge, no roaming, dialed without a code)
National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings - tel. + 359 2 807 80 50; e-mail: office@antitraffic.government.bg
Local Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Sliven - tel. + 359 44 611 336; e-mail: sliven@antitraffic.government.bg
National anti-trafficking hotline maintained by Campaign A21 Foundation - 0800 20 100
"General Labor Inspectorate" EA:
- Hotline - 0700 17 670
- Telephone for alerts of Bulgarian citizens working abroad - (00359) 2 8101 747
Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (CITUB) - http://www.knsb-bg.org/; Labor Law Office: 02/40 10 427
For victims of violence: Animus Association Foundation - tel. + 359 2 981 76 86